1936 The Illustrated London News Lying in State Funeral King – King George V


1936 The Illustrated London News Lying in State Funeral King – King George V


1936 The Illustrated London News Lying in State Funeral King – King George V.

Record of the Lying-in-State and Funeral of His Late Majesty King George V. An extra large issue profusely illustrated with incredible images of events.

Product Details

                      TitleThe Illustrated London News


                   Type: Newspaper

                   Year: 1936 

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1936 The Illustrated London News Lying in State Funeral King – King George V


1936 The Illustrated London News Lying in State Funeral King – King George V.

Record of the Lying-in-State and Funeral of His Late Majesty King George V. An extra large issue profusely illustrated with incredible images of events.

Product Details

                      TitleThe Illustrated London News


                   Type: Newspaper

                   Year: 1936 

Please message me if you have any questions


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